Hanoi (VNA) – The Inspection Commission of theParty Central Committee held its 28th session from July 24-26,focusing on violations of regulations committed by several units and individuals.
According to the commission’s announcement on July 27, oneof the cases considered at the meeting was the wrongdoings by the StandingBoard of the Party Committee of the General Logistics-Techniques Department(General Department IV) under the Ministry of Public Security.
The commission concluded that the Standing Board of theParty Committee of the General Department IV has violated the principle ofdemocratic centralism and working regulations, showed lack of responsibilityand lax leadership, resulting in many law violations in the management and useof security land and public assets, including the illegal sale of assets onland, transfer of land use right, and lease of security land.
Specifically, Lt. Gen. Le Van Minh, member of the CentralPublic Security Commission, Secretary of the Party Committee and GeneralDirector of General Department IV, must bear the responsibility as the topleader of the unit for the wrongdoings and mistakes of the Party Committee’sStanding Board, and personal responsibility for his own mistakes in performingassigned duties and tasks.
Lt. Gen. Bui Xuan Son, former member of the PartyCommittee’s Standing Board and former Vice General Director of GeneralDepartment IV, must also be responsible for the violations of the PartyCommittee’s Standing Board, and is the main person to be held responsible forthe law violations and mistakes in advising the management and use of securityland of the public security sector as he was assigned to be in charge of thiswork.
Lt. Gen. Bui Van Thanh, member of the Central PublicSecurity Commission, Deputy Minister of Public Security directly in charge ofGeneral Department IV, former member of the Party Committee’s Standing Boardand former Vice Director General of General Department IV, must bearresponsibility for the violations of the Party Committee’s Standing Board ofGeneral Department IV. Thanh himself violated the principle of democraticcentralism, showed a lack of responsibility and lax leadership, thus lettingmany wrongdoings and mistakes happen at General Department IV. Inspections alsorevealed that Thanh violated regulations on protecting State secrets and theworking regulations of the Ministry of Public Security. He signed documentsproposing the sale of a number of security houses and land plots against thelaw, and signed a number of documents not within his authority.
The Inspection Commission stressed that the violations madeby the Standing Board of the Party Committee of General Department IV and by Lt.Gen. Le Van Minh and Lt. Gen. Bui Xuan Son are serious, while the wrongdoingsby Lt. Gen. Bui Van Thanh are very serious, causing losses of State asset andharming the prestige of the Party organisation and the public security sector,thus calling for examination and discipline measures.
At the same time, three others officials must also bearresponsibility for the violations of the Party Committee’s Standing Board ofGeneral Department IV, as well as for their personal wrongdoings and mistakesin performing their assigned duties and tasks. They are Lt. Gen. Nguyen VanChuyen, Vice Secretary and Chairman of the Inspection Commission of the PartyCommittee of General Department IV, and Vice Director General of the GeneralDepartment; Lt. Gen. Ksor Nham, member of the Standing Board and formerChairman of the Inspection Commission of the Party Committee of GeneralDepartment IV, Vice Director General of the General Department; and Lt. Gen. VuThuat, former Vice Secretary of the Party Committee and former Vice DirectorGeneral of General Department IV. Their violations should be examined andhandled in line with regulations.
Also at the meeting, the Inspection Commission decided ondiscipline measures in the case of the Standing Board of the Party Committee ofthe Air Defence-Air Force Service under the Defence Ministry and relatedindividuals, whose wrongdoings had been confirmed at the InspectionCommission’s previous meeting.
Accordingly, the commission issued a warning as a disciplinemeasure to Lt. Gen. Nguyen Van Thanh, former Secretary of the Party Committeeand former Political Commissar of the Air Defence-Air Force Service.
The commission proposed that the Party Central Committee’sSecretariat consider punishment on Sen. Lt. Gen. Phuong Minh Hoa, former memberof the Party Central Committee, former Vice Director of the General PoliticalDepartment of the Vietnam People’s Army, former Vice Secretary of the PartyCommittee of the Air Defence-Air Force Service and the Service’s formerCommander.
The commission also asked the Standing Board of the CentralMilitary Commission to mete out disciplinary measures in line with itsauthority against the Standing Board of the Party Committee of the AirDefence-Air Force Service (tenure 2010-2015).
The commission proposed that the Politburo considerdisciplinary measures on Lt. Gen. Bui Van Thanh, member of the Central PublicSecurity Commission, Deputy Minister of Public Security, former member of theParty Committee’s Standing Board and former Vice Director General of GeneralDepartment IV for his wrongdoings as mentioned above.
The commission also called on the Politburo to disciplineSen. Lt. Gen. Tran Viet Tan, former member of the Central Public SecurityCommission and former Deputy Minister of Public Security, for hisirresponsibility and lax of leadership during his term of office, and also forhis signing of some documents in violation of regulations on protecting statesecrets, causing very serious consequences.
Another case tabled for discussion at the meeting was theviolations by the Standing Board of the Party Committee of Tra Vinh city, thesouthern province of Tra Vinh.
The Inspection Commission was of the view that the StandingBoard of the Party Committee of Tra Vinh city and related officials had committedserious wrongdoings in implementing the Party and State’s policies on improvinghousing conditions for people with contributions to the revolution. Thoseviolations must be examined and handled accordingly.
Other items on the agenda were reports on the inspections ofand enforcement of Party disciplinary measures regarding the Standing Boardsand Inspection Commissions of the Party Committees of Tuyen Quang and QuangNinh provinces, along with outcomes of inspections of other units andindividuals. –VNA