She was speaking at a press briefing organised by WHO incollaboration with the Vietnamese Ministry of Health, following WHO'sannouncement that COVID-19 is no longer a global public health emergency andrecommendations for future pandemic prevention and control work.
Pratt said: "I always carry a mask with me, which means thatCOVID-19 has not disappeared but is always present alongside us."
She also explained WHO's statement, which indicated that thecurrent COVID-19 adaptation level has improved and the severity of transmissionof the disease as well as the number of hospitalisations and severe caseshave decreased.
However, the WHO representative emphasised that this does not meanthat COVID-19 is no longer a threat or any less dangerous.
Asked if COVID-19 could be considered as seasonal flu, she saidthat although there are similarities, COVID-19 is not seasonal and hasappeared in many countries and regions at various times of the year.
Therefore, COVID-19 is still a relatively new disease, and peoplehave only had four years to deal with it, she said, adding that scientists arestill conducting research on the virus.
Pratt also commended Vietnam's COVID-19 response measures,particularly the country's ability to balance pandemic prevention and controlwhile promoting socio-economic development.
She stressed that this is not the time to relax as the number ofcases is still increasing and there are cases that require special care or evendeaths.
In spite of high herd immunity due to infections and vaccinations,people still need to be vigilant and take appropriate measures, she said.
In response to questions about recommendations for COVID-19prevention and control in Vietnam, Pratt suggested Vietnam maintain thenation's capacity and prepare for events that may occur in the future to avoidbeing overwhelmed.
Secondly, Vietnam should turn the COVID-19 vaccine into thenational vaccination programme as a lifelong vaccination. The country has avery good COVID-19 vaccination programme, and it should increase booster shots,especially for high-risk groups.
Thirdly, Vietnam needs to continue to strengthen the monitoringof respiratory diseases and report activities to WHO. It should focus ontargeted monitoring with any new variants and any changes in the transmissionrate and severity of cases.
Fourthly, Vietnam needs to always be prepared with vaccines,diagnostic and treatment equipment, and ensure long-term supply chains.
Fifthly, the country should continue disseminating information andmobilise the participation of community. Communication is still needed to helppeople understand and update on the disease.
Vietnam lifted all travel restrictions since last March. However,it needs to review and update the national response plan and re-establishpublic health and social measures based on the pandemic situation and riskassessment if needed.
Finally, she said, Vietnam must continue studying to improvevaccines and understand post-COVID-19 conditions./.