Hanoi (VNA) – National Assembly Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan onDecember 20 visited the Hanoi Archdiocese where she wished local Catholicdignitaries and followers a merry Christmas and a happy new year in 2020.
Thetop legislator conveyed greetings and handed over flowers of Party GeneralSecretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong to Joseph Vu Van Thien, Archbishop ofthe Hanoi Archdiocese and Deputy Secretary General of the Vietnam EpiscopalCouncil, on the occasion of Christmas.
Shelauded the contributions of Vietnamese Catholics and those in the HanoiArchdiocese in particular to the country’s achievements in socio-economicdevelopment, national defence-security, international integration and externalaffairs, including relations with the Vatican.
TheVietnamese State always respects and ensures the freedom of belief and religionof all people through the Constitution and relevant laws, Ngan stressed.
TheNA leader urged the Hanoi Archdiocese and other archdioceses to launchpractical and meaningful efforts in order to bring a peaceful and happy life toCatholics and people nationwide.
Activitiesof the Catholic Church in Vietnam and the Hanoi Archdiocese will helpstrengthen the great national unity bloc in line with guidelines and policiesof the Party and the State, Ngan said.
Forhis part, Thien pledged that the Hanoi Archdiocese will work harder to build asociety of peace and development as desired by all Vietnamese Catholics.
Expressinghis delight at the fruitful relationship between Vietnam and the Vatican, Thiensaid he looks forward to the visit to Vietnam by Cardinal Pietro Parolin andhopes that his trip will open up a new period for diplomatic ties between thetwo sides.
TheHanoi Archdiocese encompasses Hanoi, and Hoa Binh, Ha Nam and Nam Dinhprovinces with about 35,000 Catholics./.