At the talks, Hue affirmed that Vietnam always attaches importance to itstraditional friendship and cooperation with Switzerland and expressed hisgratitude for the European nation's provision of over 600 million USD inofficial development assistance (ODA) for Vietnam from 1991 to 2021 as well asfor supporting the Southeast Asian country in the fight against COVID-19.
He proposed the two sides continue to enhance cooperation and exchangedelegations through all channels and further coordinate closely at multilateralforums, thus contributing to peace, stability, and development in the regionand the world.
Regarding the two-way trade turnover of approximately 810 million USD last yearand Swiss investment in Vietnam worth nearly 2 billion USD, the two leaderssaid the figures are not commensurate with their potential. They agreed toaccelerate the negotiation process and signing of a free trade agreement (FTA)between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), which consistsof Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, and Liechtenstein.
Candinas stated that Switzerland has paid due attention to promotinginvestment, trade, technology, and knowledge, hence it hoped that the FTA couldbe inked next year.

Hue said that there are still many opportunities for cooperation between thetwo countries in the fields of science, technology, education, and climatechange adaptation.
He proposed Switzerland increase the number of scholarships for Vietnam,promote cooperation between Vietnamese and Swiss educational institutions, andimplement joint training programmes in pharmaceuticals, precision mechanicalengineering, tourism, finance, banking, and insurance.
Hue suggested the parliament and government of Switzerland continue to createfavourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in the country to settledown and well integrate into the host society, thus contributing to promotingthe friendship between the two nations.
Regarding parliamentary cooperation, Hue hoped the two sides will continue tomaintain the exchange of delegations at high and all levels, including amongparliament committees and parliamentarians.
The two sides should continue to cooperate and share experience with each otherin law-building activities to create institutions to meet requirements ofissues of global concern such as just energy transition, digitaltransformation, and climate change response, he said.
The Vietnamese top legislator held that the two sides can increaseconsultations and coordination as well as mutual support at multilateral forumssuch as the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Parliamentary Assemblyof La Francophonie (APF), while promoting the cooperation among the twoFriendship Parliamentarians Groups.
The legislatures of the two countries should work together in supervising andspeeding up the implementation of agreements between the two governments, hesaid, adding that Vietnamese and Swiss localities should foster theirconnectivity, including collaboration among elected agencies at the locallevel.
Hue pledged that the NA and Government of Vietnam will create optimalconditions for foreign investors, including those from Switzerland, to dolong-term business and production activities in Vietnam.
Candinas said Switzerland welcomes Vietnam's commitment at the 26th UN ClimateChange Conference of the Parties (COP26), saying that both countries have acommon goal of sustainable development, therefore, the European nation is readyto cooperate for the two sides to achieve this goal.
In its foreign policy, Switzerland always considers Vietnam as a strategiceconomic cooperation partner in the region, he said, adding that this is alsothe reason why the high-ranking Swiss delegation decided to visit Vietnam.
Asserting that Vietnam has a dynamic and successful economy that has performedwell in hunger eradication and poverty reduction in recent years, the Presidentof the National Council of Switzerland said that through talks, the Swissbusiness representatives wish to continue to pour investment, thereby promotingcooperation and economic development between the two countries.
He went on to say that Switzerland wants to increase investment, tradecooperation and effective economic cooperation, helping to realise Vietnam'sgoal of becoming a developed and high-income country by 2045. There arecurrently about 100 Swiss enterprises in the Southeast Asian country thatcreate jobs for about 120,000 local workers.
Expressing his confidence in the fruitful development of the bilateralrelations and with many projects and programmes of Switzerland in Vietnam overthe past 30 years, Candinas emphasised that Switzerland will continue tostrengthen the cooperation between the two nations in the future.
According to the Swiss leader, the European country has focused on improvingthe competitiveness of businesses and labour productivity. During the officialvisit to Vietnam, the Swiss delegation will visit a garment company to learnabout the productivity and working conditions of local workers.
With the signing of an agreement on improving working conditions by the twocountries, Candinas expressed his belief that Swiss programmes and cooperationwill contribute to improving labour productivity and improving workingconditions for workers.
The two leaders also exchanged views on a number of international and regionalissues of mutual concern, including the East Sea issue. They affirmed theimportance of respecting international law, maintaining peace and stability,and ensuring security and safety, freedom of navigation and aviation; and heldthat all disputes should be resolved by peaceful measures on the basis ofinternational law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (UNCLOS).
At the talk, Candinas invited Hue to pay an official visit to Switzerland soonand his invitation was accepted with pleasure./.