In a meeting with KOVIFA Chairman Choi, the top Vietnamese legislator briefed on his long and very successful talks with his RoK counterpart Park Byeong-Seug a day prior during which both leaders agreed on the need tolift the Vietnam-RoK ties to a comprehensive strategic partnership.
Looking back on the 30-year history of the bilateralrelations, Hue said he is pleased to see what both countries have achievedtogether. The two countries have boasted exchanges and cooperation in all areasand remained each other’s top economic partners.
He partly attributed the achievements to efforts of Choi and KOVIFA members, saying they have acted as a bridge to strengthenmutual understanding between the two countries and their people.
He suggested KOVIFA coordinate with the Vietnam-RoK Friendship Association to organize activities in celebration of the 30th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic relations in 2022. He also proposedholding a Vietnamese cultural festival in the RoK and vice versa, and unveiledthat Vietnam plans to open a culture centre in the RoK.
Choi, for his part, said the COVID-19 pandemic has not onlycaused various challenges for exchange and business activities between the twosides but also presented new opportunities for their enterprises over the lasttwo years. The KOVIFA will cooperate with other associations to develop plans forthe bilateral ties’ 30th anniversary celebrations.

The Vietnamese leader expected the Ly family to continuefostering post-COVID-19 bilateral exchanges and partnership between the twocountries./.