Vinh Long (VNA) – The Vinh LongUniversity of Technology Education and Toyota Motor Vietnam (TMV) launched atechnical training centre in the Mekong Delta province of Vinh Long on October2.
This is the first time TMV has expanded itstraining programme to the south-western region in order to meet increasingdemand for human resources for the automobile industry.
In the first phase of the programme (2017-2020),TMV will support the university with modern equipment worth 80,000 USD to serveauto repair training.
Rector of the university Cao Hung Phi said theuniversity is one of the leading auto training facilities in the south, whichis tasked to supply hi-tech human resources, particularly for the south-westernand southern regions.
Director General of TMV Toru Kinoshita said thecentre is the sixth of its kind of the company in Vietnam.
He said he believes that the Vinh LongUniversity of Technology Education will become a key high-quality trainingcentre that is able to provide skilled technicians for TMV in the future.
The Toyota technical training programme has beencarried out by TMV since 2000 with a view to helping students from autovocational training colleges access Toyota technologies.
So far, more than 2,500 students have receivedtraining under the programme, including 540 recruited to work in TMV agentsnationwide.-VNA