Vinh Hoan,one of the Vietnamese leading tra fish producers, enjoyed a year-on-year surgeof 19 percent in after-tax profit, revealed the company’s consolidated financialstatement.
Itcollected more than 148 billion VND (6.36 million USD) in revenue thanks toselling the remaining shares in one of its affiliates, a year-on-year leap of366 percent. After-tax profit of the firm in the first six months shot upnearly 700 billion VND, surging 64 percent from the same period last year.
Meanwhile,Nam Viet Corporation reported a net revenue of more than 1.06 trillion VND in theperiod, a year-on-year rise of 23 percent, thanks to growing export volume.
Exportrevenue of the company hit more than 837 billion VND, accounting for nearly 80percent of the figure and up nearly 24 percent against the same period lastyear. The company’s after-tax profit exceeded 152 billion VND, 30 percenthigher than in the second quarter of 2018.
Inthe first six months, the firm’s revenue stood at 1.97 trillion VND, up 17.3percent year-on-year; while after-tax profit was 353 billion VND, a surge of 83percent.
Anothermajor listed tra fish producer, the Cuu Long Fish Company, posted quarterlyafter-tax profit worth 58.7 billion VND, a year-on-year increase of 18.4percent.
Inthe first half, the firm gained 817 billion VND in net revenue, rising 13.3percent and its after-tax profit was 113 billion VND, 2.2 times the figure ofthe same period last year.
Accordingto the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP), as ofthe end of June, total tra fish export value hit more than 96.1 million USD, ayear-on-year decline of 4.1 percent.
VASEPforecasted that tra fish exports will recover in Q3 as the festival seasons of importersapproach.-VNA