Tra Vinh (VNA) – The Mekong Delta province of Tra Vinh introducedits standout agricultural production models adapting to climate change carriedout under the “Adaptation in the Mekong Delta” (AMD) project at a conferenceheld in the locality on September 8.
According to Huynh Nghia Tho, director of the AMD Tra Vinh’s coordinatingboard, the project has been carried out in 30 communes and benefits 15,000 poorand near-poor rural households since 2014. It is set to finish in 2020.
It aims to develop sustainable livelihoods for the rural poor in the face ofchanging climate as well as improve the community’s capacity to response toclimate change.
Thanks to financial assistance from the climate change adaptation co-sponsoringfund (CCA) under the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), 18agricultural livelihood models were piloted in the locality in 2015. Thoseincluded 13 cultivating models, four on livestock breeding and one on aquaticfarming.
Farmers involved in such models were supported with input materials like breeds,fertiliser and pesticides. In addition, they were assisted with machines andequipment and cultivating guidance as well as how to fertilise appropriately.
Each poor and near poor household received a financial support of 30 millionVND (1,320 USD) while the financial assistance for every business household andcooperative were 100 million VND (4,400 USD) and 750 million VND (33,000 USD),respectively.
Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Kim Ngoc Thai said that themodels have brought high economic efficiency and generated more incomes forlocal people, contributing to the construction of new-style rural areas.
Chili pepper model cultivated in an area of 2.3 hectares by Thang Loi 2Cooperative in Thach Hoa Son commune, Cau Ngang district is one of theexcellent examples. New cultivating method helped the cooperative’sproductivity rise 5 tonnes per hectare while the pepper has been sold at 1,000VND higher than when it was grown in the traditional way.
The model on farming oysters on floating rafts developed by Dai ThanhCooperative in Long Khanh commune, Duyen Hai district is showing efficiency asoyster cultivation does not feel much impacts of climate change and it issuitable for families without production land.-VNA