Traffic accidents kill 81 people in last two days of lunar year

As many as 112 road traffic accidents occurred nationwide on February 17-18, leaving 81 dead and 52 others injured, according to the National Traffic Safety Committee.
As many as 112 road traffic accidents occurred nationwide on February 17-18, leaving 81 dead and 52 others injured, according to the National Traffic Safety Committee.

On February 18, just one day before the beginning of the lunar New Year, 38 people lost their lives in accidents.

During the two days, traffic police force handled over 4,700 cases of violations of regulations on traffic safety, while sequestering 31 cars and over 1,000 motor bikes, and confiscating 165 driving licences.

Police forces across the country have planned to ensure public order and traffic safety on the New Year’s Eve, when large crowds are expected to flow into the streets to usher in the New Year.-VNA

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