Jointly organised by the EU Delegation to Vietnam and the PlantProtection Department under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,the 10-day training course aims to improve the capacity of local plantprotection officers so that they can better assist farmers in producing qualitycitrus fruit products serving exports.
The training is part of the EU funded project ARISE Vietnam whichhelps enhance compliance with sanitary and phytosanitary standards to improvethe safety of Vietnam’s agro-food products and facilitate exports to the EU.
Participants of the training comprise officers from plantprotection centres of the central provinces of Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Ha Tinh, QuangBinh, Quang Tri and Thua Thien-Hue.
At the event, provincial plant protection officers will beequipped with knowledge to identify the major citrus insects and mite pests. Inaddition, participants will have a chance to join a field trip to local citrusorchids and receive on-site guidance.
Citrus crops are crops of high economic value in Vietnam and arealso potential export products. To support pest control on this crop, it isnecessary to build the capacity of local plant protection officers to identifypest composition, pest symptoms and safety prevention measures. Therefore, oneof the urgent requirements is to provide necessary technical support to localtechnicians so that these officers can assist farmers in producing qualityexport products.
ARISE Vietnam is a project funded by the European Unioncontributing to the integration of the Vietnamese economy into the globalproduction chain through targeted support to both public and private sectors.The EU has supported the Vietnamese Government to reap the benefits of newbilateral and regional trade commitments, with a focus on the implementation ofthe EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA)./.