Two more Vietnamese dairy firms licensed to export to China

The Chinese General Administration of Customs (GAC) on June 22 granted transaction codes to two Vietnamese companies to export dairy products to China, reported the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Department of Asia-Africa Markets.
Two more Vietnamese dairy firms licensed to export to China ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

Hanoi (VNA)
– The Chinese General Administration of Customs (GAC) on June 22 granted transaction codes to two Vietnamese companies to export dairy products to China, reported the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Department of Asia-Africa Markets.

Accordingly, the Hanoimilk JSC was allowed to ship fermented and flavoured fermented milk to China.

Meanwhile, the BEL Vietnam Co. Ltd could export other cheeses.

The GAC is also reviewing applications by NUTIFOOD to grant codes.

China has so far granted transaction codes to four Vietnamese companies and plants. Others include TH True Milk with sterilised and modified milk and Vinamilk with condensed milk. /.


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