Ukraine’s Communist Party delegation visits Vietnam

Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and Standing member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, on October 23 received a delegation of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) led by Oplazhko V.N., Secretary of the CPU Central Committee.

Le Hong Anh, Politburo member and Standing member of the Party Central Committee Secretariat, on October 23 received a delegation of the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU) led by Oplazhko V.N., Secretary of the CPU Central Committee.

At the meeting, the Ukrainian guest said he was satisfied with the outcomes of his working sessions with Vietnamese partners. He expressed hope that the two parties’ cooperation will be developed in a result-oriented manner to further consolidate the traditional friendship between the two parties and peoples.

Le Hong Anh reiterated that the Communist Party of Vietnam always attaches importance to its ties with the CPU and will further promote their links in the time to come.

On the same day, the Ukrainian delegation had talks with Hoang Binh Quan, head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations.

The two sides informed each other about the situation in their respective countries and parties and exchanged views on issues of mutual concern. Measures to strengthen relations between the parties were also tabled during the talks.

During their stay in Vietnam, the Ukrainian delegation is set to have working sessions with the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Organisation and Commission for Popularisation and Education, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administrative and the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour.-VNA

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