Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency

President Ho Chi Minh was the person who named Vietnam News Agency. Throughout its development history, the agency has always received special guidance and attention of the late President.
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 1President Ho Chi Minh gives advice to VNA journalist Tue Oanh on how to report on the National Assembly election, third tenure (April 26, 1964). (Photo: File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 2President Ho Chi Minh, Vice President Ton Duc Thang and comrade Truong Chinh in a photo with reporters serving the 3rd National Party Congress (1960). The person sitting between President Ho Chi Minh and comrade Truong Chinh is VNA journalist Huynh Thi Huong and the person wearing glasses behind Uncle Ho is journalist Le Ba Thuyen (Deputy Director of VNA) (Photo: File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 3During his lifetime, President Ho Chi Minh regularly spends time reading, commenting and directly approving news and articles of the Vietnam News Agency (Photo: File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 4President Ho Chi Minh gives a box of cigarette to as present to reporter Lam Hong Long – author of the well-known photo pieces featuring President Ho Chi Minh titled “Bac Bat Nhip Bai Ca Ket Doan” (Uncle Ho Conducting a Song of Unity)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 5President Ho Chi Minh’s autograph while editing VNA news (Photo:File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 6President Ho Chi Minh’s autograph while editing VNA news (Photo:File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 7President Ho Chi Minh’s autograph while editing VNA news (Photo:File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 8President Ho Chi Minh’s autograph while editing VNA news (Photo:File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 9Deputy Director of the Information Department Tran Kim Xuyen, who is in charge of the VNA (first right), attends the welcome ceremony, reports and interviews President Ho Chi Minh when he returns home after visiting France and signing a Vietnam - France temporary agreement (Modus Vivendi) (September 14, 1946) (Photo: File/VNA)
Uncle Ho’s special sentiment towards Vietnam News Agency ảnh 10The Declaration of Independence, read by President Ho Chi Minh at the historic Ba Dinh Square on September 2, 1945, was published worldwide in Vietnamese, English and French by the Vietnam News Agency on Sept 15, 1945 (Photo: File/VNA)

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