Keyword: "unemployment insurance"

32 Result

Positive results obtained in insurance policy implementation

Positive results obtained in insurance policy implementation

Positive signs have been obtained in the implementation of social, health and unemployment insurance policies in the first month of 2023, according to Duong Van Hao, head of the Vietnam Social Security (VSS)'s Department of Contribution Collection – Insurance Book and Card.
Health insurance to cover 91.05 million people

Health insurance to cover 91.05 million people

The Vietnam Social Security (VSS) is striving to raise the number of people covered by health insurance to 91.05 million, or 92% of the national population, by the end of this year.
People joining social insurance up 1.14 percent in two months

People joining social insurance up 1.14 percent in two months

The number of people participating in compulsory social insurance and unemployment insurance in the first two months of 2022 recorded year-on-year increases of 1.14 percent and 1.02 percent, respectively, according to Vietnam Social Security (VSS).
Japanese ministry pledges support for Vietnamese interns

Japanese ministry pledges support for Vietnamese interns

Japanese Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Katsunobu Kato affirmed his country’s pledge to support and protect Vietnamese interns in the country while meeting with Vietnamese Ambassador to Japan Vu Hong Nam in Tokyo on August 11.
Credit card defaults a risk during COVID-19

Credit card defaults a risk during COVID-19

Experts have warned that consumers may soon start defaulting on their credit card payments due to rising unemployment and salary cuts in many industries and sectors in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.