The animation, called "Hai Moc Nhi" (the name given to a superhero) centers around a heroine with superpowers that allow her to awaken and unite people to combat climate change. The animation is based on an original story and drawings by Han.
"Through the story, I would like to tell everyone that climate change is threatening our lives and we can only protect ourselves by joining hands with each other. Hai Moc Nhi’s superpower is the power of the Dragon father and the Fairy mother, the superpowers of the ocean and forest, which is already inside all Vietnamese people," Han said.
Han won third prize at the Superhero Comic Contest which had asked children to create a superhero who can save the earth and fight against natural disasters and climate change. The contest was organized last year by UNICEF, the Ministry
of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Young Pioneer Council with support from Vietnamese singer Le Cat Trong Ly.
Han’s work was picked by DeeDee, a Vietnamese animation studio, which transformed Han's creative ideas into an animation video.
Through this project, UNICEF sought to prod people into thinking about the impact of climate change on child survival and development, as well as future risks.
UNICEF said another animation film based on drawings of the contest’s first prize winner will be released later this year./.