Hanoi (VNA) – Representatives from the 10current non-permanent members (E10) and the five newly-elected non-permanentmembers of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) met on November 25 toshare experience in UNSC activities.
The meeting, held both in-person and online, is thefirst international event presided over by Vietnam within the framework of theUNSC since its first stint in 2008-2009. Norway and South Africa co-oraganisedthe event together with Vietnam.
The meeting demonstrates Vietnam’s enhancedcontributions as well as intensified coordination between the E10 countries toraise the operational efficiency of the council in maintaining internationalpeace and security.
Addressing the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister andForeign Minister Pham Binh Minh lauded international efforts in keeping peace,cooperation and development, and highlighted UN member countries’ confidence inthe role of multilateralism, and the UN’s coordination role in addressingglobal issues.
Minh expressed his hope that the meeting will helpenhance mutual understanding and the exchange of viewpoints and experience amongthe non-permanent members in UNSC affairs.
The official called on the E10 countries tointensify their cooperation in order to further contribute to the council’sactivities, and improve its efficiency and transparency.
He emphasised Vietnam’s commitments and prioritiesto the UNSC during its term, such as promoting multilateralism and multilateralsolutions to settle conflicts; intensifying international commitments andrespect for the UN Charter and international law; boosting cooperation betweenthe UN and regional and sub-regional organisations; preventing conflicts;protecting civilians, especially vulnerable groups, and essential infrastructurein conflicts; along with post-conflict reconstruction, including the settlementof bomb and mine consequences.
On November 25-26, the participating countriesdiscussed present trends and challenges to the UNSC and cooperation between theE10 countries, among others./.