MarcMealy, Vice President of the US-ASEAN Business Council, noted that theBrunei visit by the delegation, which included executives from two ofAmerica’s leading energy companies, ConocoPhillips and the ChevronCorporation, reflects US businesses’ strong desire to exploreopportunities to strengthen bilateral economic ties between the UnitedStates and Brunei.
“This visit is a way for us tocontinue to build on Second Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade PehinDato Lim Jock Seng’s highly successful visit to the United States inMay where he met with executives from American companies, includingseveral members of the US-ASEAN Business Council in Seattle, Washingtonand Washington DC."
On the first day of their stayin Brunei , Aug. 2, the delegation had discussions with Minister ofEnergy Pehin Yasmin, Permanent Secretary Dato Lim Jock Hoi of theMinistry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Acting CEO of Brunei PetroleumAzren bin Taib, and CEO Vincent Cheong of the Brunei EconomicDevelopment Board.
The Council said in its August 2press release that although US-Brunei bilateral trade is relativelysmall, with only 140 million USD total trade in 2009, Brunei’s role inASEAN and other regional organizations make it an important partner forUS business. Council members have particular interest in Brunei ’scentral role in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), a Trade Agreementthat could potentially help serve as the building block of a Free TradeArea of the Asia Pacific./.