HCM City (VNA) - Ho Chi Minh City's Department of Information and Communications onAugust 25 signed an agreement with the US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)on technical assistance for the building of a smart city operations centre.
Thesigning took place within the “Ho Chi Minh City - US Business Summit: DrivingPartnerships and Innovation for the Future”, co-held by the municipal People’sCommittee, the US Consulate General, and the American Chamber of Commerce inVietnam (AmCham), HCM City Chapter.
The smartcity operations centre is among four pillars in a master plan to transformVietnam’s southern economic hub into a smart city in the 2017-2020 period and visiontowards 2025.
It is thecentre of control, or the “brain”, of a smart city, collecting and analysingreal-time data and information to help decision-makers govern, plan, and shapethe future development of HCM City.
Theproject on technical assistance for the building of the smart city will be carriedout by US-based Winbourne Consulting.
It has totalinvestment of more than 1.4 million USD, close to 1.2 million USD of which willbe provided by the USTDA in the form of non-refundable aid, while the remainderwill come from Winbourne Consulting, according to the agreement./.