Bern (VNA) – Vice President Dang Thi Ngoc Thinhcalled on the Canton of Bern of Switzerland to enhance partnerships withVietnamese localities while meeting with its governor Christoph Ammann in Berncity on July 5.
The Vice President, who is in Switzerland toattend the 29th Global Summit of Women from July 3 to 7, reiterated thatVietnam always treasures the traditional friendship and cooperation with Switzerland.
Bilateral relations have been growing well,particularly in trade and investment, she noted, adding that Switzerland iscurrently an important trade and investment partner of Vietnam in Europe.
The Vietnamese Government is making efforts to createa transparent and favourable environment for foreign businesses, includingthose from Switzerland, to operate, especially in the fields matchingSwitzerland’s strength and Vietnam’s demand like precision mechanics, finance –banking, insurance, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, agricultural processing andtourism, Thinh said.
She called on Bern businesses to increaseconnections with Vietnamese firms, asking the administration and enterprises ofBern, as well as of Switzerland, to strongly support the completion of talks ona free trade agreement between Vietnam and the European Free Trade Association,of which Switzerland is a member, so as to create a new driving force for thetwo countries’ economic links.
The Vice President also asked Switzerland, includingBern, to share experience and assist Vietnam to develop a high-qualityeducational system, particularly in vocational training and connecting trainingwith scientific-technological development at universities and research centres.
The canton of Bern should also enhancecooperation with Vietnamese localities, especially in the spheres it hasstrength in such as tourism, high technology and environment, therebycontributing to the two countries’ relations.
For his part, Ammann affirmed that the canton ofBern and Switzerland always attach importance to the friendship and cooperationwith Vietnam.
The canton will make use of this good chance topromote ties with Vietnamese localities in different areas, including education– training, high technology, precision mechanics and finance – banking, inwhich Vietnam has demand for and Bern has advantages, he added.
Also on July 5, Vice President Thinh had ameeting in Bern with staff of the Vietnamese Embassy and the Vietnamesepermanent mission to the UN in Geneva, leaders of the Switzerland – VietnamFriendship Association and representatives of Vietnamese people in the country.-VNA