Hanoi (VNA) - Vietnam’s low cost airline Vietjet has broughtits hot air balloon and beautiful and young flight attendants in bikini to theAlbuquerque International Balloon Fiesta 2017 in the United States, the largestballoon festival in the world.
The 46th fiesta, held in Albuquerque, NewMexico from October 7 to October 15, 2017 attracts more than 550 balloons andnearly 1,000 pilots worldwide. This year’s event also features more than 94unique balloon designs from 22 countries, including the United States, Britain,the Netherlands, Belgium, Brazil, the Czech Republic and Japan.
Vietjet’s balloon sports the colors of theVietnamese national flag — namely, red and yellow —and is 25 metres high and 18metres wide. The balloon can cover a large distance and reach a maximum heightof nearly 1,000 metres. It was showcased to visitors from October 7-9.
Festival visitors will have the opportunityto watch the Vietjet balloon lift into the panoramic sky view of Albuquerquewhile meeting the airline’s friendly bikini clad models.
Launched in 2016, Vietjet balloon hasparticipated in a series of major festivals in Vietnam and around the world. Atthe 2016 Hue Festival, the Vietjet balloon was the only representative of Vietnamto participate in the 2016 International Hot Air Balloon Festival with balloonsfrom eight other countries, including UK, Netherlands, India, Japan, theRepublic of Korea, Thailand, Malaysia and the Philippines.
In August of the same year, the balloon madeits first overseas appearance at Taiwan’s largest hot air balloon festival,Luye Gaotai, in Taitung City. The company continued to be the only representativefrom Vietnam to participate in the ninth My Balloon Fiesta in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysiawith 18 participants from 11 different countries in March this year. After theUnited States, the Vietjet balloon will travel to its next destination in Japanin November.
First held in 1972, the AlbuquerqueInternational Balloon Fiesta is an annual festival of hot air balloons thattakes place every October in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. This year’s theme isInflate your imagination through countless colors and shapes and endlesspossibilities of fun and exploration.
Vietjet is the first airline in Vietnam to operateas a new-age airline with low-cost and diversified services to meet customers’demands. It is a member of the International Air Transport Association (IATA)with the IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) certificate.
Currently, the airline boasts a fleet of 45aircraft, including A320s and A321s, and operates 350 flights each day. It hasalready opened 73 routes in Vietnam and across the region to internationaldestinations such as Thailand, Singapore, the RoK, Taiwan, Hong Kong, MainlandChina, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar and Cambodia.-VNA