Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Minister of Foreign Minister Nguyen QuocDung, who is also General Secretary of the National ASEAN 2020 Committee,talked to the media on November 9 on the implementation progress of initiativesthat Vietnam has set forth in its ASEAN Chairmanship year 2020.
Dung said that the 37th ASEAN Summit and related meetings,slated for November 12-15, are the most important activity of ASEAN this year.The outcomes of the whole year will be demonstrated there, so the success ofthe summit will mark the success of Vietnam’s ASEAN Chairmanship year.
To date, the implementation of Vietnam’s initiatives hasbeen basically completed, which is shown through negotiating documents.
“The most important goal of Vietnam at the summit issuccess, but the event is a success only when the outcomes of all works we havedone since the beginning of this year are announced,” stated Dung.
He went on to say that Vietnam assumes the role as ASEANChair at a difficult time as the COVID-19 broke out around the world.
The country, therefore, shifted the priority to the fightagainst the pandemic. It also continued carrying out initiatives to maintainthe building of the ASEAN Community. This is a big challenge for the ASEANChair this year as works sometimes doubled or tripled.
However, with its efforts, Vietnam has achieved desiredresults of targets set in the ASEAN Chairmanship year.
During the ASEAN Community building process, Vietnam’sinitiatives and ASEAN’s joint efforts have helped the region stay firm againstthe pandemic and recover early.
The results announced at the 37th ASEAN Summit will orientbeyond-2025 plans for ASEAN, Dung said, adding that Vietnam’s contributionswill help both short-term and long-term works of the bloc.
Asked about ASEAN’s connectivity in economic recoverypost-COVID-19, the Deputy FM said ASEAN has been aware of the severe impact ofthe pandemic and no single country can fight it.
As ASEAN Chair, it has promptly issued statements inresponse to the pandemic, emphasising the need for ASEAN member countries toclosely coordinate with each other, he said, citing the creation of the ASEANCoordinating Council.
He added that at this event, senior leaders will announcethe establishment of an ASEAN Centre for Public Health Emergencies and EmergingDiseases./.