Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam Airlinesand Air France have inked a joint venture deal, which isdue to start from November 1, to bring more benefits to passengers on their airroutes between Vietnam, France and Europe.
Speaking at the signing ceremony in Hanoion October 10, Director General of Vietnam Airlines Duong Tri Thanh said thehistorical agreement will help tighten the comprehensive cooperative ties between the two airlines
It will not only make it easier for air travel between the two countries butalso promote trade, investment, and cultural exchanges between Vietnam,France and Europe, bringing huge benefits for people and businesses,he added.
The agreement also demonstrates the commitment and determination ofVietnam Airlines to increase investment in the global arena, especially the Frenchand European markets via the key route between Vietnam and France, he noted.
For his part, Director General of Air France Franck Terner said the joinventure deal with Vietnam Airlines is one of the strategic development plans of AirFrance, namely “Trust Together”.
This agreement will bring long-term benefits to the twoairlines as well as their customers, he said, adding that the ultimate goal of Air France is to maintain and developits position in the promising region.
Over the past 20 years, Vietnam Airlines and Air France have establishedsustainable cooperative relations in various fields. In 2010, the two airlinessigned a code share deal for air routes between Paris and Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh Cityas well as provided mutual support in maintaining airplanes and human resourcestraining.
France has been one ofthe most important markets of Vietnam Airlines in Europe since it launched thefirst direct air route to Parisin 2003. The two airlines carry more than 400,000 passengers every year.-VNA