The pilot launch of digital health passport by Vietnam Airlines is a part of thecooperation agreement signed by the national flag carrier and the InternationalAir Transport Association (IATA) in May.
To be eligible to participate in the programme, passengers must be over 18 yearsold and have a certificate of negative COVID-19 test resultsissued by testing facilities registered with IATA.

Those who want to participate in the programme should register on VietnamAirlines’ website at least three days before their planned departure, downloadthe IATA Travel Pass app to their mobile phones, create a digital ID comprisingtheir photo and passport information and fill in flight details to receiveinformation on entry requirements at the destination.
Before departure, passengers will be required to get tested at eligible clinicsbased on the IATA registry, then share the test results digitally and confirmflight status with the airline ahead of arriving at the airport.
This application is still in the development and testing stages, so passengerswill still have to show hard copies ofthe COVID-19 testresults at the request of authorities in the destinationcountry.
To make it easier for passengers to use the application, Vietnam Airlines providesinstructions with illustrations on its website at
The IATA Travel Pass is being piloted by many airlines around the world thanksto its feature of ensuring consistent information between parties includinggovernments, testing facilities, airlines and passengers.
The electronic health passport has officially come into effect for EU memberstates from July 1, 2021, gradually opening the door for free travel within theUnion and to international passengers./.