Vietnam, Argentina issue joint statement

Vietnam and Argentina have issued a joint statement on the occasion of the state visit to Vietnam by Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his spouse from February 19-21.
Vietnam, Argentina issue joint statement ảnh 1Party General Secretary and President Nguyen Phu Trong (R) and President Mauricio Macri (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) –
Vietnam and Argentina have issued a joint statement on the occasion of the state visit to Vietnam by Argentine President Mauricio Macri and his spouse from February 19-21.

During his stay in the Southeast Asian country, President Macri and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam and President Nguyen Phu Trong held talks, highlighting the significance of cooperation in politics, economy, trade, and technology, according to the statement.

The leaders agreed to deepen the bilateral comprehensive partnership towards a strategic partnership.

They also consented to maintain high-ranking meetings and promote delegation exchanges at all levels between their legislative bodies as well as other agencies, in order to consolidate the political and institutional ties between the two countries.

Both sides highly valued the results of the sixth meeting of the Vietnam-Argentina Intergovernmental Committee on Economy and Trade that took place in the Argentine capital city of Buenos Aires on October 2018, and concurred to maintain the mechanism to reap specific outcomes.

Host and guest noted with pleasure the recent achievements recorded in economic and trade cooperation, and shared the view that more efforts are needed to enhance and diversify the bonds, as well as balance the interests of both sides through the Intergovernmental Committee, trade missions, and mutual visits.

The two sides will enhance the exchange of higher value-added products, boost collaboration between plant and animal quarantine agencies in the sphere of market access, and continue with technical cooperation and support.

Argentina wants to join hands with Vietnam in bio-technology to serve agriculture, according to the joint statement. Both also spoke highly of the agreement to open the market up for four kinds of fruit from each country.

The leaders also agreed to promote tourism collaboration to bring about economic benefits to both sides and contribute to improving understanding and mutual trust between the people of the two countries. As such, they lauded the two countries’ consideration of applying some measures to facilitate the immigration of their citizens.

They said a trade agreement between Vietnam and the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) would generate positive economic impacts, and consented to carry out a feasibility study on the deal’s negotiations.

Both highlighted the marked contributions of technical cooperation to the bilateral relationship. They also took note of the cooperation programme with 15 projects financed by the Argentine Fund for South South and Triangular Cooperation (FOAR), focusing on industry, agriculture, and forensic anthropology.

The Argentine side stressed that its most intensive and extensive technical partnership in Southeast Asia was with Vietnam.

The two leaders expressed interest in cooperation over using atomic energy for peaceful purposes and highlighted the cooperation potential in the production of research reactors, as well as the application of atomic energy in healthcare through Argentina’s INVAP agency and Vietnam’s research institutes operating in the field of atomic energy.

They hoped to boost cooperative relations in defence, including the early signing of a memorandum of understanding on bilateral defence cooperation in the coming time.

The two sides stressed the importance of cooperation and information exchange in the prevention of cross-border crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundering, and human trafficking. They also highlighted the significance of participating in addressing global security and order matters through the two nations’ relevant agencies, looking toward to pushing negotiations for a cooperation agreement between the two governments on trans-national organised crime prevention and another on preventing, combating, and investigating human trafficking, alongside supporting and protecting victims in 2019.

In order to strengthen and expand cultural relations, the two leaders agreed to promote a cultural exchange programme in the 2019-2023 period. 

They also encouraged collaboration in sports through increasing information exchanges in international sports events.

The two sides agreed to continue closely coordinating and supporting each other at multilateral forums, especially within the framework of the United Nations (UN), the Forum of East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC), and South-South cooperation forums.

The Vietnamese side thanked Argentina for supporting Vietnam to run for the position of a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure.

The two sides agreed that disputes over sovereignty and territorial matters should be resolved by peaceful means on the basis of international law.

Vietnam and Argentina reaffirmed the importance of building a free, open, and rule-based multilateral trade system which ensures inclusive interests, non-discrimination, and equality, with the World Trade Organisation (WTO) being the focus.

The two sides supported working together to improve WTO operations, including mechanisms for negotiating, monitoring, and resolving disputes to properly handle challenges and bring benefits for all people and businesses.

The modernisation of the WTO operations should be done for the benefit of all members, especially taking into account the needs and interests of developing countries.

The two leaders also expressed their satisfaction with the signing of cooperation agreements in the fields of culture, forensics, and mass media as well as collaboration between the two chambers of commerce.

President Mauricio Macri invited President Nguyen Phu Trong to pay an official visit to Argentina. President Trong accepted the invitation with pleasure and asked the two sides to arrange the visit through diplomatic channels. –VNA

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