Hanoi, (VNA) – As Chair of the ASEAN Committee in New York, head of theVietnamese permanent mission to the UN Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy initiated andchaired a dialogue between ambassadors and heads of missions of ASEAN countriesto the UN and President-elect of the 75th UN General Assembly VolkanBozkir on August 21.
Theevent aimed to discuss priorities of the President of the 75th UNGeneral Assembly and measures to strengthen cooperation between the Associationof Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the UN General Assembly in the timeahead.
Bozkirsaid his first priority for the 75th UN General Assembly is tosuccessfully organize a high-level debate and a General Assembly meeting tocommemorate the 75th anniversary of the UN in September in both virtual andphysical forms due to the COVID-19 pandemic. He also planned to promotesuitable working methods to ensure health and safety while ensuring the UN’s operation.
ThePresident-elect of the 75th UN General Assembly said he will work toenhance the role and position of the UN General Assembly, contributing topromoting multilateralism and the rules-based international system. Heappreciated ASEAN’s role and contribution to the UN, and expressed his hopethat ASEAN countries, including Vietnam and Indonesia which are currently non-permanentmembers of the UN Security Council, will work to promote solidarity and unityof the UN and the UN Security Council.
ASEANambassadors and heads of missions congratulated Bozkir for his election asPresident of the 75th UN General Assembly and voiced support for prioritiesin his working agenda. They appreciated the UN’s efforts in response toCOVID-19, and pledged to work to bolster cooperation between ASEAN and theOffice of the UN General Assembly President./.