Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange continues

Vietnamese Minister of National Defence Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich chaired a welcome ceremony on November 20 for a delegation from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, led by Minister of National Defence Wei Fenghe, as part of the fifth Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.
Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange continues ảnh 1Vietnamese Minister of National Defence Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich (R) welcomes Chinese Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen. Wei Fenghe (Photo: VNA)

Cao Bang (VNA) –
Vietnamese Minister of National Defence Gen. Ngo Xuan Lich chaired a welcome ceremony on November 20 for a delegation from the Chinese People’s Liberation Army, led by Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen. Wei Fenghe, as part of the fifth Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange.

Following the welcome ceremony held in Phuc Hoa district of the northern border province of Cao Bang, the two ministers cut the ribbon and planted trees to inaugurate Ta Lung friendly cultural centre.

They also attended a ceremony marking the fifth establishment anniversary of friendly ties between Phuc Hoa district and the Chinese district of Long Zhou in Chong Zuo city of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Addressing the event, Secretary of the Party Committee of Phuc Hoa district Nong Thi Ha said that the two districts share a 22km border line, a kindred spirit of neighbourliness, as well as many similarities in terms of customs and culture.

Since the establishment of friendly relations in 2013, the two sides have reaped achievements in various fields such as border trade, cultural and sport exchanges, and tourism promotion, she said.

The ministers later visited an area displaying local products at the Ta Lung friendly cultural centre.

Witnessing a joint drill on disaster and disease relief aid in Phuc Hoa district, Wei applauded the coordination, fighting spirit, and professionalism of the two armies, noting that the exercise has contributed to demonstrating the cooperation outcomes between the two sides.

For his part, Lich said the building and protection of the shared border towards friendship, stability, and development, as well as the support for residents in border areas in non-traditional security have remained top priorities for the Vietnamese and Chinese Parties, Governments, people, and armies.

He stressed that the cooperation, friendship, comradeship and brotherhood between Vietnam and China have been reflected through the drill.
The same day, the two sides engaged in a friendship seminar, and a cultural and art exchange programme held in Cao Bang province.

The border defence friendship exchange aims to enhance political trust, build friendship and solidarity, and promote result-oriented cooperation between the border guards, authorities, and people of border localities of the two countries, thus helping to build a common border of peace, friendship, stability, cooperation, and development. 

Prior to activities in Cao Bang province, the two sides participated in a range of activities in China’s Long Zhou district. 

The first Vietnam-China border defence friendship exchange programme was held in 2014 in Quang Ninh province, the second took place in Lao Cai in 2015, the third in Lang Son in 2016, and the fourth in Lai Chau last year.–VNA

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