Vietnam, Cuba cement cooperative ties

Vietnam and Cuba need to continue maintaining, preserving and promoting their time-honoured traditional friendship and solidarity, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has said.
Vietnam and Cuba need to continue maintaining, preserving and promoting their time-honoured traditional friendship and solidarity, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung has said.

Chairman Hung made the suggestion while receiving First Vice President of the Council of State and Member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of Cuba Miguel Diaz Canel in Hanoi on June 21.

Chairman Hung spoke highly of the visit, saying it is a vivid manifestation for the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cuba.

He said that the two sides should increase the exchange of delegations, especially high-level ones, to make orientations for developing bilateral ties.

The top legislator highly valued the outcomes of the talks between Miguel Diaz Canel and Vietnamese Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, affirming that the Vietnamese NA and people always support the national renewal and development of the Cuban people.

For his part, the Cuban guest said his visit aims to enhance the traditional friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two nations and peoples.

He stressed that the Cuban people always consider Vietnamese as their own flesh and blood and admire the industriousness, braveness and intelligence and revolutionary struggling tradition of Vietnamese people.
Expressing delight at Vietnam’s socio-economic development achievements, Vietnam , Miguel Diaz Canel thanked the country for its great support to Cuba in the past struggles as well as in the current national construction and development.

He informed the host of the outcomes of his talks with Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, saying that the two sides agreed on a number of measures to boost cooperation in the areas of agriculture, telecommunications, infrastructure development and oil and gas exploitation.

He said he believes that the cooperation between the two nations will continue to harvest new achievements in all aspects.-VNA

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