Vietnam earthquake rescue team ready to overcome all hardships

Despite facing numerous difficulties in extremely harsh conditions, the search and rescue team from Vietnam continues to exert every effort in the race against time to save as many lives as possible following the recent earthquake in Turkey.

This is the gathering area of the search and rescue team from the Ministry of National Defence, in Haytay.

The tents offer a place of rest for Vietnamese soldiers during their mission.

At the start of every day, soldiers finish their breakfast quickly and prepare supporting equipment and medicines, then rush to wherever they are needed.

Despite the different time zone and near-freezing winter temperatures, the Vietnamese soldiers have done their best to adapt to the harsh conditions. The warm support of local people has encouraged them greatly.

The Vietnamese rescue teams are racing against time to find more people trapped in the ruins of the deadly earthquake. Search and rescue forces of the Vietnam People’s Army have helped Turkey identify 11 locations with earthquake victims, including two possible survivors.

As the sun sets, the weather becomes colder and colder. The Vietnamese soldiers return to their gathering area after a long day.

They take turns looking for firewood to stay warm. Their break is only short, because they must quicken the search for victims./.