At the reception for the diplomat after that, King Philippe expressedhis delight at the positive development of Belgium-Vietnam relations, andaffirmed the need to expand cooperation through the frameworks of the StrategicPartnership on Agriculture signed in 2018 and the EU-Vietnam Free TradeAgreement effective from August 2020.
He appreciated the two countries’ cooperation atmultilateral and regional forums such as the United Nations, the Asia-European Meeting(ASEM) and the International Organisation of La Francophonie, and their sharingof the importance of strengthening cooperation in ensuring security, safety andfreedom of navigation in the region, including the East Sea.
Ambassador Thao affirmed his efforts to boost and deepen thebilateral relations in all fields. He conveyed President Phuc’s invitation toinvite the King to pay a State visit to Vietnam in the near future, especiallywhen the two countries celebrate the 50th anniversary of establishment of diplomaticties in 2023.
He said that huge potential remains for the two countries toexpand collaboration in trade and investment, especially in the fields thatBelgium has strengths and Vietnam has demand such as renewable energy, seaports,logistics, digital economy and climate change.
The early completion of the ratification process of theEU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) by Belgium and EU memberstates will bring many opportunities for interested Belgian businesses whichwant to invest in Vietnam and expand their presence to neighbouring countries,Thao noted.
He also took the occasion to thank Belgium's State,Government, organisations, enterprises and people for supporting Vietnam’sfight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

He pledged to do his utmost to continue developing thebilateral ties by boosting comprehensive economic cooperation, effectivelyimplementing the EVFTA, and speeding up the ratification process of the EVIPA.
For his part, Charles Michel affirmed that the EU always attachesgreat importance to Vietnam’s role and position and its relationship withVietnam, considering Vietnam its important partner in the region.
The EU will continue to cooperate closely with and support Vietnamin comprehensive and sustainable development,coordinate with and support each other at regional and international forums,especially within the framework of EU-ASEAN cooperation, in line with the EU'sstrategy on strengthening relations with the Indo-Pacific region./.