Thao affirmed that the EU is a very important partner ofVietnam in all fields, with the two sides establishing diplomatic relations 50years ago and having achieved many encouraging achievements, reflected throughthe signing of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA), the EU-VietnamFree Trade Agreement (EVFTA), the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement(EVIPA) and eight dialogue frameworks between the two sides.
The EU has only inked FTAs with four partners, namely Japan,the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Vietnam, of which only Vietnam is a developingcountry, he said, stressing that this shows the EU attaches great importance toVietnam's role in the region, and Vietnam also affirms that the EU is acomprehensive partner with great potential for development and cooperation.

“Therefore, we need to take measures to promote therelationship with Belgium in a more substantive and effective manner for bothsides,” stated Thao.
Belgium is one of the leading European countries inrenewable energy, green energy and sustainable development, and has strengthsin logistics, transportation and accreditation. Therefore, cooperating with thecountry, Vietnam can go on the right track towards the development of renewableenergy, green energy and sustainable development, and can step up exports, headded./.