Vietnam, Japan boost judicial cooperation

A delegation from the People’s Supreme Procuracy of Vietnam led by its head Nguyen Hoa Binh attended a working session with the Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office of Japan on August 5 within the framework of its visit to the country.
A delegation from the People’s Supreme Procuracy of Vietnam led by its head Nguyen Hoa Binh attended a working session with the Supreme Public Prosecutors’ Office of Japan on August 5 within the framework of its visit to the country.

At the session, head of the Japanese office Ozu Hiroshi said that the two countries’ judicial agencies have maintained practical and meaningful cooperation for many years.

He also stressed his office’s hope to exchange information and experience with the People’s Supreme Procuracy of Vietnam.

Binh affirmed that cooperation between the two agencies is an important element in their two States’ relationship, and it is more significant in the context that the two countries are celebrating the 40 th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties and their relationship has been lifted to a strategic partnership.

The same day, the Vietnamese delegation paid a courtesy visit to Japanese Minister of Justice Tanigaki Sadakazu, who affirmed that in terms of judicial support, Vietnam is one of Japan’s most important and long-standing partners.

During its stay in Japan from August 4-8, the delegation is scheduled to visit the Tokyo High Public Prosecutors’ Office, and the Research and Training Institute under the Ministry of Justice, as well as pay a courtesy visit to Justice of the Supreme Court of Japan Onuki Yoshinobu.-VNA

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