Vietnam joins ASEAN food festival to help poor children

Vietnam joined nine other ASEAN countries and the bloc’s partners in an ASEAN food festival to enhance cultural exchanges and mobilise funds for impoverished children in the Southeast Asian region.
Vietnam joins ASEAN food festival to help poor children ảnh 1The Vietnamese Embassy brought traditional “pho” to the ASEAN food festival. (Photo: VNA)

Jakarta (VNA) – Vietnam joined nine other ASEAN countries and the bloc’s partners in an ASEAN food festival on April 10 to enhance cultural exchanges and mobilise funds for impoverished children in the Southeast Asian region.

The Vietnamese Embassy brought to the festival the traditional “pho”, which drew attention of many visitors.

Lee Yoong Yoong, Director, Community Affairs Directorate, said that the annual food fair served two purposes: for ASEAN Women Circle to raise fund, and for ASEAN to promote people to people connectivity.
"After all, food - just like sports and music - have that x-factor to bring people together," he said.
Vietnam joins ASEAN food festival to help poor children ảnh 2Stalls run by other ASEAN countries at the festival (Photo: VNA)

The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) groups Brunei, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam

Its partners include Canada, the Republic of Korea, Australia, Russia, China, New Zealand, India, the US, Japan and the EU.-VNA

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