Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia look to enhance audit cooperation

The 10th Tripartite Meeting between the Supreme Audit Institutions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam with the theme of "Follow up on audit recommendations” was held in central city of Da Nang on August 29.
Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia look to enhance audit cooperation ảnh 1The 10th Tripartite Meeting between the Supreme Audit Institutions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam was organised in Da Nang city on August 29 (Photo: VNA)

Da Nang (VNA) – The 10th Tripartite Meeting between the Supreme AuditInstitutions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam with the theme of "Follow up on auditrecommendations” was held in central city of Da Nang on August 29.

In hisopening remarks, State Auditor General of Vietnam Ngo Van Tuan said the StateAudit plays an important role in raising the efficiency of management and useof public finance and assets, as well as contributing to improvingpublicity, transparency, accountability and discipline in the management anduse of public finance and assets of a country.

In auditactivities, "follow-up on audit recommendations" is a very necessarystage, because the outcome of this phase is one of the measures of effectiveness and efficiency, and reflects the actual impact of an audit, he added.

Theresults of the conference will be an important basis for the three auditinstitutions to improve the quality of the work through the successful sharingand application of practical experiences and valuable lessons of the State Auditingagencies in related fields, Tuan said.

Since2009, the three parties have successfully organised nine meetings of head of supremeaudit institutions of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

He saidthat the State Audit of Vietnam always appreciates the significance of thistripartite forum, saying this is an opportunity for the parties to shareexperiences in the field of public audit, strengthen their professionalcapacity, and jointly address challenges and common concerns, thereby enhancingunderstanding and mutual cooperation.

At the meeting,representatives of the three audit instituations focused their discussions on someissues concerning legal foundation as well as international practices relatedto the monitoring the implementation of audit recommendations and lessonslearned from each country in this regard. Challenges for the supreme audit institutionsand solutions to improve the quality of the work were also mulled over.

Theparties also reached a consensus on cooperation policy from now until the 11th meetingand agreed on the theme for the event which to be held in Cambodia in 2025.

A thematicsymposium on performing audit in the new normal was also held in Da Nang city on the same day within the framework of the event.

Theparties discussed about the "new normal" that has offered bothopportunities and challenges, requiring each State Audit institution to have newapproaches and new measures in planning and implementing the audit plan.Therefore, each institution needs to develop a multi-dimensional approach,combining many methods and taking advantage of the developments of advanced andmodern technology to improve the quality and efficiency of audit activities ina globally connected environment.

Also on the same day,Secretary of the Da Nang Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang hosted a receptionfor high-ranking delegations of the State Audit of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam.

Accordingto Quang, Da Nang has always paidgreat attention to develop cooperative relations with localities and partnersin Laos and Cambodia.

Currently,the city has signed memoranda of understanding with five provinces of southernLaos, namely Savannakhet, Champasak, Salavan, Sekong and Attapeu, and Cambodia's Battambangprovince. It has deployed various cooperation programmes with theselocalities in such fields as delegation exchange, agriculture, education,training, cultural exchange, sports, urban planning and economic development./.


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