Hanoi (VNA) – Politburomember Tran Quoc Vuong hosted a reception for a delegation of the Lao People’sRevolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee’s Inspection Commission and theLao Government Inspection Authority in Hanoi on August 15.
At the meeting, Vuong, who is also standingmember of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee’s Secretariat,highlighted the active contributions of the Lao Inspection Commission and GovernmentInspection Authority to the fruitful relationship between the two countries.
He applauded the outcomes of the cooperation between the inspection sectors ofthe two countries and suggested their relevant agencies closely coordinate to effectivelyimplement signed agreements, especially those regarding Party and politicalsystem building, inspection and anti-corruption.
Vietnam will make all-out efforts, together with Laos, in order to preserve andfoster the special relationship across spheres, Vuong stressed.
In reply, the head of the Lao delegation - DeputyPrime Minister, Politburo member of the LPRP, head of the LPRP CentralCommittee’s Inspection Commission and President of the Government InspectionAuthority Bounthong Chitmany, noted with pleasure the development of theVietnam-Laos special solidarity in all realms.
The official informed his host about cooperation between the InspectionCommissions and Government Inspectorates of the two countries.
The Lao Inspection Commission and Government Inspection Authority will workharder to fruitfully implement agreements reached by high-ranking Vietnameseand Lao Party and State leaders, and promote the great friendship, specialsolidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, hepromised.-VNA