☀️ Morning digest June 25

The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency

☀️ Morning digest June 25

Hanoi, (VNA) - The following is a list of selected news summaries reported last night by the Vietnam News Agency.

- President To Lam on June 24 affirmed that Vietnam always stands side by side with Cuba in all circumstances while he received Cuban Ambassador to Vietnam Orlando Nicolas Hernandez Guillen in Hanoi.

During the reception, Lam said that the Party, State and Government of Vietnam value the special traditional relationship with Cuba as both a comrade and a brother. Read full story

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (left) and Chinese Premier Li Qiang during their talks in Dalian city, China’s Liaoning province, on June 24. (Photo: VNA)

- Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh held talks with Chinese Premier Li Qiang in Dalian city, China’s Liaoning province, on June 24 as part of the former’s trip to the neighbouring country for the 15th World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions and working sessions from June 24-27.

Li welcomed Chinh’s attendance at the WEF meeting and his activities in China, and conveyed regards from General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and President of China Xi Jinping and other high-ranking Chinese leaders to General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong, President To Lam, National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man, President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee Do Van Chien, and other Party and State leaders of Vietnam. Read full story

- Vietnamese Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh on June 24 hosted separate receptions for leaders of some leading Chinese businesses operating in the field of infrastructure in Dalian city in China’s Liaoning province.

The meetings took place as part of the PM’s trip to China to attend the 15th World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting of the New Champions and working sessions in the country from June 24 to 27. Read full story

- With 459 “yes” votes from 460 attending deputies, or 94.25%, the 15th National Assembly (NA) adopted a resolution approving the State budget settlement for 2022 on June 24 as part of the legislature’s ongoing seventh session.

Chairman of the NA Committee for Financial and Budgetary Affairs Le Quang Manh said many deputies pointed out lingering shortcomings in drafting and implementing the State budget estimates and settlement at some ministries, sectors and localities, and urged solutions to this problem. Read full story

- The Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt and Lebanon on June 24 warned Vietnamese citizens who are working and living in Lebanon not to travel to unsafe areas or crowded places in the context of escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah force.

According to the embassy, there are currently eight Vietnamese citizens living in Lebanon, mainly in the capital of Beirut and surrounding areas. The lives of the Vietnamese citizens here are temporarily unaffected by the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah. Since the outbreak of tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, the embassy has regularly kept in touch with the Vietnamese citizens in Lebanon and learned that their lives are still going on normally. Read full story

- A delegation of the Vietnamese Embassy and representative agencies in Cambodia, led by Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang, on June 24 came to congratulate Cambodia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation on the occasion of the 57th founding anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries (June 24, 1967 - 2024).

On behalf of leaders of the Cambodian ministry, Undersecretary of State Ung Rachana received the delegation. Read full story

- A delegation of the State Ethnic Affairs Commission of China led by its Deputy Director Bianba Zhaxi paid a working visit to Vietnam's northern province of Thai Nguyen on June 24.

At the working session with the Chinese delegation, which also saw the attendance of representatives of the Vietnamese Government's Committee for Ethnic Affairs, Vice Chairman of the Thai Nguyen provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Thanh Binh informed the guests about its ethnic affairs. Read full story

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Manet speaks at the ceremony marking the 47th Remembrance Day of the “Journey to Overthrow the Pol Pot Genocidal Regime” (June 20, 1977) in Tbong Khmum province on June 20. (Photo: VNA)

- Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 57 years ago (June 24, 1967-2024), Vietnam and Cambodia have continuously promoted their bilateral cooperation, a Cambodian scholar has said.

In an interview granted to the Vietnam News Agency (VNA)’s resident correspondent in Phnom Penh, Uch Leang, Acting Director of the Department of Asian, African, and Middle-East Studies under the International Relations Institute of Cambodia at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, said during the Vietnam visit by Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Thipadei Hun Manet in December 2023, the two sides shared their wish to deepen the time-honoured relations. Read full story

- The Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in the central province of Quang Tri province has proposed the Directorate of Fisheries (DoF) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development resolve some outstanding issues relating to vessel monitoring systems (VMS) on fishing boats in an concerted effort to prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The VMS quality should be strictly inspected before providing it to fishermen to avoid problems, it said./. Read full story


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