Vietnam, Laos work for border of peace

Vietnam and Laos have consented to fully abide by border management agreements signed in the past and strengthen cooperation for a borderline of peace, friendship and cooperation for mutual development.
Vietnam and Laos have consented to fully abide by border management agreements signed in the past and strengthen cooperation for a borderline of peace, friendship and cooperation for mutual development.

The agreement was reached at talks between Commander of the Border Guards, Lieut. Gen. Vo Trong Viet and Director of the Border and Mapping Department under the General Staff of the Lao People’s Army Syphanphut Thavong in Vientiane on November 12.

Accordingly, both sides will keep close checks over border areas so as to timely prevent and thwart sabotage plans by hostile forces while facilitating information and experience sharing.

Both host and guest expressed their satisfaction with campaigns to raise public awareness of border defence as well as twinning the two nations’ border localities to enhance their solidarity.

Over the past time, they have conducted thorough inspections along border areas, making it easier for businesses and citizens to do business and travel. The Vietnamese and Lao border guards have fought against crime, established diplomatic defence relations and beefed up education cooperation.

This year, the Vietnam Border Guard Academy trained nearly 30 Lao military officers and students while border guards from 10 Vietnamese provinces offered high-quality training to 270 of their Lao counterparts.-VNA

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