Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnamese Minister of PublicSecurity To Lam and Mongolian Minister of Justice and Home Affairs TsendNyamdorj agreed to reinforce crime fighting cooperation during talks in Hanoion October 16.
Minister Lam noted the important mutual visitsby the countries’ leaders, including an official trip by Vietnamese PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc in May 2017 and a tour by Chairman of the Mongolianparliament Miyegombyn Enkhbold in January this year.
Bilateral cooperation has been expanded invarious spheres, including defence, security, culture, and education, he noted,adding that relations between the Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security andrelevant agencies of Mongolia have also recorded major outcomes.
In 2013, the two ministries signed a cooperationagreement on crime prevention and combat. Since then, they have increased theexchange of anti-crime information via diplomatic channels, Interpol, andmultilateral cooperation frameworks, he elaborated.
To promote substantive cooperation, Lam askedboth sides to continue considering the establishment of cooperation mechanismsin security and crime combat to share information of mutual concern; as well asstep up the building of coordination mechanisms to ensure security for mutualvisits and representative diplomatic agencies, diplomatic workers, and thediaspora citizens of each country.
He called for stronger ties in realisingmultilateral deals to which both countries are members, such as the conventionsagainst transnational organised crime, international terrorism, corruption andtorture, as well as other international treaties on crime fighting.
Additionally, the countries should enhancecooperation effectiveness on the basis of the 2013 agreement on crimeprevention and combat. They also need to boost the sharing of information andexperience between their law enforcement bodies, while improving delegationexchanges and joint human resources training to intensify mutual understanding,the host official added.
For his part, Minister Tsend Nyamdorj applaudedthe countries’ political trust, close coordination, and mutual support on theinternational arena.
He pledged to exert all efforts to contribute tobilateral relations, including between the two ministries, so as to help ensuretheir respective nations’ security, social order, and safety, along withregional and global peace and stability.
Following the talks, the two ministers signed anagreement on the transfer of sentenced persons between Vietnam and Mongolia.–VNA