Vietnam, Mozambique foster enterprise connectivity

Vietnamese small- and medium-sized businesses highlighted the need to further trade cooperation with Mozambique partners during a business forum held in Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique, on June 24.
Vietnamese small- and medium-sized businesses highlighted the need to further trade cooperation with Mozambique partners during a business forum held in Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique, on June 24.

Speaking at the forum, Vice President of the Confederation of Business Associations of Mozambique (CTA) Prakash Prelhad spoke highly of the initiative to organise the event, and underscored that the two sides need to enhance direct contacts and boost trade exchanges on the back of existing advantages.

Mozambique is willing to welcome Vietnamese enterprises to the African country, he said.

Mac Quoc Anh, Vice Chairman of the Hanoi Small and Medium Enterprise Association (HASMEA), presented an overview of the municipal economic cooperation potentials, adding that it was the first time HASMEA had led a delegation of enterprises to Mozambique to seek venture and networking opportunities.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Mozambique Nguyen Van Trung said the embassy is willing to act as a bridge linking the two business communities together by providing market information and assisting tie-ups.

The business forum was concurrent with the 40th anniversary of Vietnam – Mozambique diplomatic ties and co-hosted by the Vietnamese embassy in Mozambique, the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency in South Africa and Mozambique, CTA and the Mozambique Investment Promotion Centre.-VNA

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