Vietnam photo on list of best travel photos nominated by AAP Magazine

The photo “Bamboo basket seller” by Vietnamese photographer Ly Hoang Long was placed on the top list of the “Travels” photo competition held by All About Photo (AAP) Magazine. The photo was taken in Tat Vien village just outside Hanoi.

Bamboo fishing basket is a simple tool made from bamboo and is flexible so that the fisherman can lay it down in the stream to catch small fish.

The basket is not only a tool for manual labour but also a decorative item used in the interior design of hotels, restaurants, and shops these days.

AAP said the traditional craft has been passed down through many generations in Tat Vien village for 200 years.

The contest featured one first prize, one second prize, one third prize, and 22 consolation prizes.

“Tundra People” by Yulia Nevskaya from Russia won first prize, “Dead Goat Polo” by Alain Schroeder from Belgium won second prize, and “Lenin’s Tomb” by Paul B Goode from the US secured third.

Photos on the list of merit included “Pontochoco-dori store Display” by Don Jacobson from the US, “Infinite” by Antoine Buttafoghi from France, and “Sailor of Red Chilies Sea” by Sujon Adhikary from Bangladesh./.