The figure reached only 4 million USD in 2012, he told Vietnam Newsduring his four day visit to Vietnam, which ended on July 29.
He said it is time for Djibouti and Vietnam to promote bilateralrelations, particularly cooperation in the fields of agriculture,textiles and student exchanges.
A delegation of officials andbusinesspeople from Djibouti are scheduled to visit Vietnam thisNovember to seek investment and cooperation opportunities withVietnamese partners.
Djibouti is strong in theservices sector, has a good banking system and its excellent portsbenefit from the country’s free trade regime, Djibouti could also serveas a transit base for Vietnamese products entering other markets inAfrica, and the Middle East, said the diplomat.
Acooperation agreement in education, culture and science and anotheragreement on economic cooperation are expected to be signed soon by bothGovernments.
This visit included the firstDjibouti Ambassador to Vietnam, who will present his credentials toPresident Truong Tan Sang by November this year.
“This step is expected to boost bilateral cooperation between the twocountries and we also hope that Vietnam will soon send an ambassador toDjibouti,” he said.
The East African country wasalso keen to learn from Vietnam’s experience in promoting women’s rolein various areas, including politics, society and economics, he added.-VNA