Hanoi (VNA) – The Singaporean Embassy in Hanoi has informed the Vietnamese ForeignMinistry’s Consular Department about Singapore’s decision to open its bordersto Vietnamese visitors as from October 8, according to Foreign Ministryspokesperson Le Thi Thu Hang.
Speakingabout the matter at a regular press conference on October 1, the spokespersonsaid the two sides have agreed to strengthen cooperation to facilitate theentry of each other’s citizens in accordance with developments of the pandemicin their respective countries.
Hangelaborated that Singapore on September 30 announced the decision to allow theentry of Vietnamese visitors as from October 8, under which Vietnamesetravellers will have to apply online for entry permission from 7 to 30 daysprior to the date of their intended entry.
Sheinformed that after arriving, travellers will have to take COVID-19 tests and cango freely in the country if they get a negative test result. Travellers with positivetest results will have to take treatment and pay for the treatment themselves.Travellers will also have to install a tracing app in their phones./.