Chinh stressed the importance of Lee’s visit in the context that the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their bilateral diplomatic ties (1973 - 2023) and the 10 years oftheir strategic partnership (2013-2023), saying it is expected to contribute tostrengthening the relationship.
The trip also demonstrates the resolve by thetwo countries in cooperation to elevate the relationship to a new level and to make it more intensive, extensive, comprehensive, sustainable, and inclusive,for peace, stability, and development in the region, he said.
Congratulating Singapore on its economic recoveryand development, the Vietnamese leader expressed his belief that it will soon achieve its Green Plan 2030, contributing to building a strong, united,and self-resilient ASEAN Community.
Vietnam is an important strategic partner ofSingapore in the region, the PM affirmed.
Host and guest shared the view that theVietnam-Singapore relationship is at its best ever, with various important cooperationagreements put in place. Notably, in the first eight months of this year,Singapore made up the largest share of foreign investments in Vietnam withtotal newly-registered capital exceeding 3.6 billion USD.
They consented to step up delegation exchanges atall levels and through the channels of Party, State, Government andlegislature, and hold their annual meetings to compare notes on the bilateralties and issues of shared concern.
The two countries will also effectively materialisehigh-level cooperation agreements and mechanisms, and coordinate in organisingactivities celebrating the above-said 50th and 10th anniversaries, including the “Spotlight Singapore in Vietnam” slated forOctober.
The leaders emphasised the need to fruitfully realisethe partnership in digital economy–green economy established in February, andspoke highly of joint efforts in upgrading the framework agreement onconnecting the two economies, contributing to deepening and expanding theeconomic cooperation to such new areas as clean energy, energy transition, andinnovation.
Chinh suggested Singapore facilitate the export of Vietnamese goods into the market, as well as the development and thetransformation of the Vietnam-Singapore Industrial Parks (VSIPs) to smart, greenlow-carbon industrial parks, towards the industrial-urban ecosystem.
He also called on Singapore to expand investments inVietnam’s key, priority spheres like electronics, smart manufacturing, IT,digital technology and new materials, and help the country boost industries in supportof such sectors as garment-textile, wood processing, shipbuilding, industrialinfrastructure development, chemicals, petrochemicals, and liquefied naturalgas, among others.
The two sides concurred to enhance cooperation innational defence and security through the signing and implementation ofrelevant cooperation agreements, along with dialogue mechanisms, andcoordination in multilateral mechanisms and activities.
Both rejoiced at cooperation in digitaltransformation and national data centre building.
In this regard, Chinh suggested Singapore helpVietnam build and operate a large database centre to improve efficiency in thefight against crimes, especially high-tech ones, and soon connect Vietnam'ssystem with the electronic identification and authentication system inSingapore in order to make it easier for their citizens in traveling, living,and working.
The two PMs agreed to promote cooperation in other keyareas, including finance, banking, and tourism; and highly valued documents oncooperation in education-training signed on this occasion.
Regarding multilateral and regional cooperation, thetwo sides highly valued each other's regular coordination and mutual support in the election and running for election to the UN's offices and organisations. They also consented to continue their coordination with other ASEAN membercountries in trade and investment promotion, and maintaining the grouping’s stance on the East Sea issue.
Both emphasised the significance of navigation andaviation freedom and safety, and the full and effective implementation of theDeclaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), striving to buildan effective and substantive Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) in line withinternational law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law ofthe Sea (1982 UNCLOS).