Vietnam supports ending US embargo against Cuba

Vietnam reiterates its support for the right of the people of Cuba to choose their path of development as well as for the ending of the US embargo against the country.
Vietnam reiterates its support for the right of the people of Cuba tochoose their path of development as well as for the ending of the USembargo against the country.

The statement wasmade by Vietnamese Ambassador Le Hoai Trung, Permanent Representative ofVietnam at the 68 th session of the UN General Assembly under AgendaItem 40 “The necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financialembargo imposed by the US against Cuba ” in New York on October29.

Following is the full text of his statement.

“Mr. President,
As it is my first address to this Sixty-eighth Session, I would liketo congratulate you on your election as President of the GeneralAssembly. I am convinced that with your vast skills and experience,you will lead this important Session of the General Assembly to asuccessful outcome.
My delegation associates itself with thestatement made by the distinguished representatives of the IslamicRepublic of Iran on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement and Fiji onbehalf of G77 and China .

Mr. President,
For many consecutive sessions now, the membership of the UnitedNations have seriously and substantively discussed the absolutenecessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargoimposed by the United States of America against the Republic of Cuba.

Their common view is that the issue hassignificant, wider implications for international relations and thebasic principles stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations. MemberStates have overwhelmingly stated their strong protest against theembargo and urgent call for its end.

Vietnamis again joining the international community and voting in favor ofdraft Resolution A/68/L6 to be introduced by H.E. Mr. Bruno RodriguezParrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba.

Indoing so, Vietnam entirely shares the view that the unilateral embargounilaterally imposed by the United States is at variance with thepurposes of the United Nations and constitutes a violation of thefundamental principles of the UN Charter and international law. Theseinclude sovereign equality, non-interference in each other’s internalaffairs, right of self-determination and peaceful co-existence andfreedom of trade. It is very much a case about upholding the rule of lawat the international level.

We again would like toparticularly stress the need for dialogue and negotiations to settledifferences or even disputes among States. This has proven to beessential to the strengthening of peace and security in Latin Americaand the Caribbean . It is essential for peace, security and normalinternational interactions in other parts of the world and for enhancinginternational co-operation as the international community is faced withso many challenges. In this regard, we welcome the call and proposalby the Government of Cuba discuss with the United States thedifferences and issues of mutual interests.

Theembargo has obviously caused enormous damage to the socio-economicdevelopment of Cuba and the life of the country’s people, especiallywomen and children. For all the numerous and updated reports aboutnegative impact of the embargo, the human suffering should undoubtedlybe immeasurable. It is an encroachment upon human rights. It isalso one of the obstacles that need to be removed in the promotion ofthe attainment of the Millennium Development Goals, reduction of povertyand advancement of sustainable development in the post-2015 period.It is very pertinent to the theme of this UNGA Session, namely

“The Post-2015 Development Agenda: Setting the Stage.”
For the fore-going, Vietnam calls on the United States , in theimplementation of the United Nations resolutions, to lift the economic,commercial and financial embargo against Cuba .

My delegation wishes to take this opportunity to reiterate Vietnam ’ssupport for the right of the people of Cuba to choose their path ofdevelopment. We appreciate the significant achievements that theGovernment and people of Cuba have obtained in many areas in spiteof the numerous challenges. We welcome their active contribution tointernational co-operation in the region and the world to promotefriendly relations among countries and in the resolution of issuesrelated to socio-economic development.

Vietnamfully subscribes to the contents of the draft Resolution before us andagain urges their implementation after the draft is adopted.
I thank you for your kind attention”.-VNA

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