Vietnam supports peace, stability, cooperation and development on Korean Peninsula

Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang has reaffirmed Vietnam's consistent stance of supporting peace, stability, cooperation and development on the Korean Peninsula.
Vietnam supports peace, stability, cooperation and development on Korean Peninsula ảnh 1Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang. (Photo: VNA) 

Hanoi (VNA) - Spokeswoman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Le Thi Thu Hang has reaffirmed Vietnam's consistent stance of supporting peace, stability, cooperation and development on the Korean Peninsula.

While responding to a reporter's query about Vietnam's view on the peace process on the Korean Peninsula at the ministry’s regular press conference in Hanoi on June 9, Hang stated that Vietnam backed parties involved to show goodwill, promote dialogue, and make joint efforts for the goal of denuclearisation and building a lasting peace on the peninsula.

With that spirit, and as a country having a traditional friendly relationship with the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) and a strategic cooperative partner with the Republic of Korea (RoK), within its capability, Vietnam has been and will continue to make active contributions to promoting dialogue, cooperation and reconciliation on the Korean Peninsula, for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world, the spokeswoman said./.


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