Vietnam supports UN peace plan for Yemen: Ambassador

Vietnam supports the United Nations (UN) three-point peace plan for Yemen, said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese Mission to the UN, at an online meeting of the UN Security Council on May 14.
Vietnam supports UN peace plan for Yemen: Ambassador ảnh 1Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese Mission to the UN, calls on all parties in Yemen to take a ceasfire immediately. (Source: AFP/VNA)

New York (VNA) –
Vietnam supports the United Nations (UN) three-point peace plan for Yemen, said Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of the Vietnamese Mission to the UN, at an online meeting of the UN Security Council on May 14.

The event was held to discuss the situation in Yemen over the past month.

Quy expressed his concerns over recent developments, including humanitarian issues in the country.

The ambassador called on all parties in Yemen to take a ceasfire immediately.

He voiced his support for the organisation of a donor conference for Yemen in early June 2020.

The diplomat emphasised the duty of protecting civilians, especially women and children.

He also appealed to the parties to implement the Stockholm and Ryadh agreements, while continuously holding dialogues and coming up with a comprehensive political solution with the UN playing an intermediary role./.


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