The suggestion was made by expertsoperating in the population field when they attended a recent workshopin Hanoi, which aims to analyse the latest population researchresults and make recommendations on Vietnam’s policy in the field.
Jointly organised by the Party Central Committee’s Commissionfor Popularisation and Education and the United Nations Population Fund(UNFPA), the event drew an overall picture of Vietnam’spopulation-related issues, with a focus on analysing the falling birthrate and productive health care services in recent times.
UNFPA’s surveys showed that the birth rate in Vietnam has decreasedover the past decades, reaching a total fertility rate (TFR) of 2.03children per woman in 2009. The highest rate is recorded in womenbetween the ages of 25-29.
The rate dropped sharply in rural areas from 2.57 in 1999 to 2.14 in 2009.
The average life expectancy of Vietnamese people was 72.8, 4.3 yearsmore than in 2009. The rate in women was higher than in men, up 5.5years over a decade ago.
As a result, the Vietnamese populationis ageing rapidly due to the sharp reduction in the number of childrenborn and increasing life expectancy.
According toparticipants, some other countries such as Japan and Singaporeexperienced a similar situation two or three decades ago, thus they metgreat challenges because of the lack of a labour force.
Theexperts suggested Vietnam considers the demographic trend in itspopulation, while fostering the research on the comparatively lowfertility rate in several regions to introduce proper policies.-VNA