Hanoi (VNA) – Director of the Department of Science and Technology forEconomic Technical Branches Nguyen Phu Hung has talked more about Vietnam’srecent strategic cooperation with Japan, the Republic of Korea, and the US insemiconductor chip development during an interview granted to Vietnam NewsAgency at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Science andTechnology (MoST).
Hungsaid cooperation between Vietnam and the US in particular, as well as othercountries in the field, has demonstrated significant opportunities for Vietnam.Vietnam has full potential to become one of the key players in the global valuechain for this product.
In thejoint statement on the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam andthe US, both sides acknowledged Vietnam's immense potential to become a keyplayer in the semiconductor industry and its rapid development of thesemiconductor ecosystem. The two countries will actively cooperate to enhanceVietnam's position in the global semiconductor supply chain, he said.
Healso admitted that Vietnam now only has 5,000 semiconductor engineers, a modestworkforce when it comes to the high-tech technology of the industry. Each typeof semiconductor chip requires advanced technology, necessitating a skilledworkforce. Therefore, in the coming years, Vietnam needs to focus on training,developing human resources, promoting research and technology transfer toquickly grasp core technologies in semiconductor development.
Accordingto the official, the MoST set mastering chip design as a top priority in thesemiconductor value chain, as design accounts for some 50-60% of a chip'svalue. Alongside collaboration with other countries, Vietnam is activelyattracting investment from foreign companies and corporations to invest in labsand innovation centres in universities and research institutes.
Herevealed that in the coming time, the MoST will continue giving priority tonational sci-tech programmes related to semiconductor chips, work closely withministries and agencies to push for the national semiconductor chip programme,and build investment policies and incentives for the provision of equipment forthe measurement and testing of semiconductor chip products that meet ISO/IEC17025:2017 standards, thus contributing to shortening production duration.

Itwill also step up technology search and transfer as well as bilateral andmultilateral cooperation programmes with countries which have advantages inscience and technology. This effort aims to establish strong research groups capableof rapidly applying and mastering core technologies in this field, he said.
Inconclusion, he believed that with the directions set by the MoST, theGovernment-directed policies and the concerted efforts of ministries andagencies, Vietnam will become one of the emerging semiconductor production hubsin the world in the future./.