Vietnam trains Laotian trade unionists

Laotian trade unionists have been participating in a nine-day VGCL training course on union-building which wraps up on Nov. 10.
Laotian trade unionists have been participating in a nine-day VGCL training course on union-building which wraps up on Nov. 10.

Vice President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL) Nguyen Van Ngang affirmed that helping Laotian trade unionists boost their knowledge and the exchange of experiences in trade union activities will help foster the special relationship between the Vietnamese and Laotian Parties, States and peoples in general and the two organisations in particular.

VGCL Vice President Ngang made the statement while receiving a delegation of the Lao Federation of Trade Union (LFTU) Central Committee in Hanoi on Nov. 9.

During the course, students exchanged experiences through fact-finding tours to a number of grass roots trade unions and working sessions with businesses leaders and the executive committees of local trade unions.

The vice president expressed the hope that the Laotian trade unionists would apply knowledge gained from the course to the reality in their localities and keep up regular exchanges with their Vietnamese counterparts on issues of mutual concern and those emerging from their work./.

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