Vietnam treasures ties with French Communist Party

The Communist Party, State and people of Vietnam always treasure ties with fraternal parties and traditional friends, including the French Communist Party (FCP).
The Communist Party, State and people of Vietnam always treasure ties with fraternal parties and traditional friends, including the French Communist Party (FCP).

Politburo member and Standing member of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Secretariat Le Hong Anh made the statement during a meeting with a delegation from the FCP led by Lydia Samarbakhsh, head of the FCP Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, in Hanoi on October 25.

Describing the visit as an important contribution to the strengthening of the traditional friendship and cooperation between the two parties and peoples, Anh said Vietnam and France are enjoying favourable objective conditions to further boost ties in many aspects, especially after the two countries set up their strategic partnership in September this year.

He congratulated the French side on the success of the 36 th FCP Congress earlier this year, expressing his wish that the FCP will further uphold its glorious tradition and affirm its role in French society and the country’s political system.

Briefing his guest on the present situation in Vietnam in all fields as well as key contents of the current session of the 13th National Assembly, the party leader said Vietnam will pursue an external policy of independence, self-reliance and cooperation.

For her part, Samarbakhsh said she is impressed with Vietnam’s significant achievements gained during its renewal cause under the leadership of the CPV.

Sharing Anh’s opinion on the sound relationship between the two parties, Samarbakhsh affirmed that her party always attaches importance to its ties with the CPV and supports stronger ties between the two states of Vietnam and France.

She also updated her host on the situation in her party, as well as in France and Western Europe.

During their stay, Samarbakhsh and her delegation held talks with their CPV counterparts led by Hoang Binh Quan, member of the CPV Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations.

The two sides briefed each other on each party’s situation, while discussing measures to foster ties between the two parties, contributing to bolstering the friendship and cooperation between the two peoples.

They also discussed regional and international issues of mutual concerns.-VNA

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