Vietnam, Ukraine step up cooperation

VN and Ukraine have agreed to boost the exchange of visits and further expand bilateral cooperation.
Vietnam and Ukraine have agreed to boost the exchange of visits, especially those by high-ranking officials, and further expand bilateral cooperation in politics, economics-trade-investment, security, defence and agriculture.

The two sides reached the consensus during talks between Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and his visiting Ukrainian counterpart Mykola Azarov in Hanoi on November 16.

They also agreed to promote cooperation in potential areas such as education and training, culture, tourism, sports, and other fields.

Dung described the visit as an opportunity for the two countries’ leaders to review cooperation and discuss measures to foster the partnership and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Ukraine .

Both leaders spoke highly of positive developments in the traditional friendship, partnership and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries since Ukrainian President V. Yanukovych’s official visit to Vietnam in March 2011 and the Ukraine visit by PM Dung in October 2011.

The two sides pledged to strengthen economic-trade-investment ties as well as create favourable conditions for their businesses to access each other’s markets.

The Ukrainian side welcomed Vietnam ’s decision to expand investment in and increase exports of footwear, garment, wooden and agricultural products and seafood to the Ukrainian market.

PM Dung affirmed that Vietnam will create favourable conditions for Ukrainian companies seeking investment cooperation opportunities in areas of Ukraine ’s strength such as mechanical engineering, mining, energy and aviation.

The two sides considered the possibility of accelerating negotiations on a bilateral Free Trade Agreement (FTA) which aims to strengthen trade and investment relations between the two nations.

The PMs highly valued the operations of the Vietnam-Ukraine Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic-Trade and Scientific-Technological Cooperation, stressing the need to make the committee a central mechanism to boost bilateral economic cooperation.

The two sides agreed to continue enhancing cooperation in the fields of security-defence, science-technology, and education-training.

Both said that cultural and tourism cooperation plays an important role in strengthening understanding and tightening the traditional friendship between the two nations. They expressed pleasure at the success of the Ukraine Cultural Days in Vietnam , describing it as a practical activity to mark the 20 th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic ties.

The two PMs said they are pleased with the coordination and mutual support between Vietnam and Ukraine at international organisations and forums, including the United Nations, and pledged to continue supporting each other in the future.

The Ukrainian side affirmed that it is ready to support Vietnam ’s candidacy to the UN Human Rights Council for the 2014-2016 term, the UN Socio-economic Council for the 2016-2018 term, and the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term.

The Vietnamese side expressed its willingness to back Ukraine ’s candidacy to the UN Security Council for the 2016-2017 term, the UN Human Rights Council for the 2018-2020 term, and the UN Socio-economic Council for the 2019-2021 term.

PM Dung thanked the Ukrainian leaders, authorities and people for their support to the Vietnamese community in Ukraine over the past time. The Ukrainian side pledged to continue creating favourable conditions for the community.

The two sides expressed pleasure at the important outcomes of the talks, saying that they will contribute to fostering the traditional friendship, partnership and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Ukraine .

After the talks, the two PMs witnessed the signing of several cooperation documents between the two countries in the fields of tourism and science-technology. They later met with the press on the outcomes of their talks./.VNA

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